YES! YOU ARE!!!!! |
Awakening: More than just learning that you are Psychic
I'm sure, in many ways, awakenings are similar. I am also sure that no two are identical. Since my awakening began, I have been searching to figure out what I was experiencing and why, as well as what to expect next, and a lot of other questions like that! I can find all sorts of stories on big sites, but not a lot of actual "what happened to me" personal, detailed stories. At first it puzzled me. Now, I'm really starting to get it, you pretty much think you are losing your shit! Then you are certain that you are not, but OTHERS will think you are. Then you get to a place of not caring if people judge you, but practicing that on a large scale, with all of the details.....uh, NO THANKS! So, maybe you share tidbits, with certain people, testing the water. Slowly you build confidence, and get a bit more brave, and share a more. Then, something happens, and sets you way back in the trust/self esteem/confidence department. You are sucker punched! The rug has been pulled out from your magic carpet ride! The pavement landing sucks, you are butt-hurt! You are blocked. You no longer feel connected, to spirit, to human friends, to your soul, all, or some or something else equally discouraging.
Why? WTF is happening? Life was progressing so beautifully! Happiness was right there! I mean dang, You've been pushing yourself out of your comfort zone and it felt so incredibly liberating! Amazing! Beautiful! Promising!
Triggered: The lovely word used to describe intense feelings or emotions and not consciously chosen behavior and feels. Usually associated with negative feelings, but really any feeling or emotion that is "auto-piloted" is a trigger to see your unconscious self (the parts of you that are not being chosen, but instead are automatic, natural, or programmed. Autopilot behavior is NOT creating your own reality, but going along with some ideal you have learned by conditioning, experience, life events et cetera) . Uncomfy triggers seem to be the ones we like the least, but in my mind, they are all included in the unconscious behavior=trigger concept. You define it however you see fit.
Here you are, low energy, low vibration, low emotional state, and triggered. Maybe you feel angry. Your trust was misplaced. Maybe, in your mind, that means you are gullible, or your intuition is off, or that you are stupid...etc(you know, whatever words or feelings you accuse yourself of...because your MO is to blame yourself). So you beat yourself up for a while, but secretly you also blame the party responsible for your feeling this way. Maybe its the human(s) you feel betrayed (or other) by, maybe its the human(s) who hurt you in some way throughout your past, or some other scenario, those are just ones I have heard the most, so far. All I know, is for me, all of these scenarios are a waste of time. Don't get me wrong, letting them take over your mind, is the waste. I, instead suggest that you face them.
Process: Everyone's looks different, this is just a small sample of some of my tools. Always do what feels right for you.😁
Why do I think this situation makes me (betrayed, stupid, weak, unimportant, etc)?
Does it serve me to feel this way?
- If no, let it go!
- If yes, how does it serve me? Are there any action steps I can take?
- Can I talk to them calmly and make sure I am correct in my interpretation of their words, behaviors, intentions?
- Can I look closely at my trigger and see a wound created in my past, by another person?
- Is it fair for the human(s) in this situation to be looked at through a dirty filter( this includes you)? Can I do any past emotional wound healing/inner child work/ other ways of healing, and clean my filter?
- Can I recognize any area of wrong doing on my part(current situation)?
- If yes, is it appropriate to apologize? Is it appropriate to do something else?
- Do I want to put energy into repairing the relationship, or has it become toxic and its time to set boundaries, take a breather, cut ties or whatever feels in your highest good. I personally, like to put some space and silence between us, until I can come from a place of love, not my triggered feels. Cutting ties doesn't need to be revenge. In my mind, when you are trying to hurt them back, you are generating and growing negative energy, and earning some karmic debt. Again, NO THANKS.
- What do I need to do to make amends, if appropriate.
- What do I need to do to forgive myself and stop beating myself up?
- What can I heal from looking closely at this trigger?struggle?challenge?
- If no, HUH? You see absolutely zero grey areas in your behavior? None? No slightly passive aggressive, ethically questionably, condescending, insulting, room for misunderstanding? Nothing that could have been mistaken, misinterpreted, misunderstood, or conducted even remotely differently? Even if you missed seeing the option, before the confrontation? You know, because hindsight is 20/20. You see where I'm going, right?
- If yes, is it appropriate to apologize? Is it appropriate to do something else?
Any other promptings to look more deeply at the issue, and forgive, embrace, mourn, accept, process and understand the events that lead up to your trigger, and heal the wounds, I'd follow. Any that lead to blame, I wouldn't. Blame is externalizing. Blame is outsourcing responsibility for your feelings. You choose how you feel. It takes practice. Blame makes choosing to feel happy, healthy, whole, loved, loving, supported, supportive and so many more wonderful feelings, nearly impossible. Blame labels you injured, abused, hurt, victimized, weak, angry, sad, cheated, more full of second guesses, self doubt, less self esteem and self love, less confident, less self love, and a whole lot of other no thank you negative feels. I prefer to transition past externalizing my life, and take my power back, as quickly as possible. But hey, you do you! We all process a bit or a lot differently.
Shift: Any change in perspective, ideas, paradigm, growth, deeper name it.
Forgive yourself for being in whatever situation(s) led to the trigger. It doesn't matter if you allowed it, or did it, or chose it, or coulda, woulda, shoulda, or had absolutely no say in it. Forgive yourself. A lot of triggered feelings stem from believing you have to feel a certain way about a situation. A lot of us feel shame, guilt, self conscious, worried, anxious, etc. and we need to forgive ourselves, so we can begin to heal. Let go of the conditions you have placed on yourself, for worth, love, and happiness. You are perfect as you are. Your experiences with triggers, point you to the next place you need to love, support and heal yourself. No need to waste any more time hurting than necessary.
Some hurts come around again, in another form or the same, later. When this happens, know that their is deeper healing to be done, and layers of healing feels like a terrible idea, but it would be really awful to feel the depths of feelings if healed all at once. Its nice to build up understanding and awakening as the healing is done, it makes the next blow a bit softer than it would've been with no previous experience looking at the wound, for me anyway.
Once you get a sturdy foundation of truth, you will see that the trigger(s) lead you to greater levels of awakening. Learning to love yourself, battle wounds and all, learning to forgive/release/let go(same thing, in my mind)of the blame and limits it imposes on your ability to consciously choosing how to feel, that is healing. That opens you up to being able to love others, even when you don't know them, even the ones you don''t like. Owning your path and allowing space for others to do the same, allows a level of freedom I had never before imagined. It turns out that this act of healing is, in fact, shedding of your old paradigm, and shifting into a new and less limiting one. it is a crucial step in awakening.
I'm not saying that everyone goes through the same things, but I am saying everyone has to heal old wounds and shed limiting, unconscious beliefs, in order to awaken your consciousness and open your mind to the infinite possibilities each and everyone of us has. Not everyone calls it the same thing, but it all boils down to the same basic ideas. Awaken to a new truth, practice it, embrace it, feel better connected to the whole, setback with trigger, process trigger(this is a very personal, and individual process, and timeline is not set, and it can feel really uncomfortable to process your triggers. Its hard to release the parts of you that have been trained to limit yourself and others, especially if you were abused and/or mistreated ans formed those barriers for many years. Be kind to yourself. Be gentle.), next comes a new level of awakening to a new or deeper truth. Repeat. As far as I can tell, this is the awakening process.
Awakening involves a lot of self discovery, and pain, and love, and heartbreak, and growth, and the realization that we are not meant to suffer all of our lives, and worse yet, the discovery that you are ultimately in control of your own happiness, and are holding yourself back from enjoying all that this life has to offer. Happiness, It really is a mind and heart-set. Awakening changes how you process and receive the world?Universe/Multiverse and your life in it. You begin to see yourself as the architect of your own life. The creator of your reality. The author of your thoughts. The writer of your story. The role of victim, no longer serves you. The role of superhero, becomes far more important, you begin to see that you can be the hero in your own story. You can let go of past pains, betrayals, abuse, et cetera, because they no longer serve you. It no longer makes sense to punish yourself, by limiting your our happiness and potential with lies of unworthiness, lack, and any other limiting belief. There is freedom in releasing any and all past pain, as it comes up. This is invaluable in your awakening. The more you release, the more positive your ebb and flow become. With each layer of shedding and healing, you feel more alive, more loving, more able to be love and give it (to yourself and others), it can feel a little selfish to heal, especially if you are a people pleaser, but it gets to feeling like an act of self love pretty quickly. Eventually you will see how it benefits the whole, when you set boundaries with love. Awakening is about that too.
Have you begun your awakening? Are you seeing this pattern too? Its a bit of a cycle, spiraling deep into your soul and emotional body, freeing you and everyone to be Authentically, boldly, lovingly, Themselves!! Beautiful, really, painfully glorious. Given time, I bet you'll agree, at least somewhat if not entirely. Feel free to share your thoughts in the comments. I would love to read them. <3 All loving comments are welcome.
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