Thursday, June 7, 2012

It's almost time for summer vacation!!!!!

Hi friends. <shameful, sheepish, grin>

Its been ages since my last post. 

I could bore you with all the reasons. 

I won't. 

 I will say I am sorry. 
 I hope to catch up on some of the interesting things that have gone on in the past couple of months. Like
  •  Chicken pox, aka , polka-dots! Yes, the kids have all been vaccinated....not that the chickenpox care.....
  • The arrival of our fourth foster kiddo (currently living with us, not the fourth ever) We call him Pie. He is 4, and cute as a button, and full of mischief, and a bit of a sprinkler..... Don't worry, I will go into more detail soon. 
  • Hanging with the biological family. Not mine :0)
  • IEP planning. I love, love, love working with public schools! <insert sarcasm>
  • The Broken arm, or not....
  • Trying not to let tantrums take control of our home.
  • Vomit, vomit, vomit......
  •  Transitioning home?
We have six kids currently, I am loving it, and sometimes not so much. What? You want honesty right? Most of the time it is great. Sometimes I am tired and cranky and just need two stinking minutes to myself. Mostly it is great :0) The first few weeks with a new kid is always an adjustment. No matter what the child has experienced, we have a lot to learn about each other. There are always boundaries being tested, and for whatever reason, each of the other children in the house has to make sure we still know they are here. I hope to be better about posting in the future. Summertime is probably my favorite time of the year! No school for the kids in public school (we don't have the option to homeschool our foster children) and a lot more relaxed schooling for our boys. I am very excited for all of the wonderful teaching opportunities the summer has in store for us! I love the trips to the library, watching our kids devour book after book. I love nature walks and camp outs (at home, but that is another story). I love the green grass and the warm sun. I love watching the kids in the sprinkler and pool. I love quiet reading time and family chore time. So much to love about summertime. Popsicles and play dates at the park. Cousins sleeping over.Grandpa and Grandma taking the kids for a few camp-outs. Canning with my kids. Canning with my sister. Canning salsa with my cousin. Teaching the kids how to weed the garden. Yummy, fresh from the garden, veggies. Farmers fruit stands opening up everywhere. Trips to the river. Yay for summer. What are your favorite things to do in the summer?

Love the rain clouds. Do you see the          eagle?            =>

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